Amber was recently voted by fellow Ypsi residents to sit on a Community Benefits Agreement (CBA) commission to represent community interests for a proposed for-sale housing development in Depot Town. There, Amber chaired the commission and led negotiations to significantly reduce the purchase price of the homes to make them affordable for people that live in Ypsilanti, and ensured the homes could only be sold as primary residence with first priority given to Ypsi first-time homebuyers.
Public safety is more than jails, prisons, and cops. Public safety is investing the community and its people. In 2021, then Ypsilanti city council member and now mayor Nicole Brown, pushed to allocate $250,000 a year towards three additional law enforcement officer positions, despite having seven vacant police positions for years.
"Councilmember Nicole Brown suggested the addition as a “controversial” amendment to the city’s budget which went into effect on July 1. This amendment to increase the YPD’s budget was proposed and passed without public notice or input, as it was offered in the final reading of the 2021-22 budget appropriations." (What's Left Ypsi)
Those positions and four others remain unfilled to this day. That money could be used to fund community-based solutions to increasing our safety such as an unarmed response, poverty reduction programs, and neighborhood/community building initiatives.